Friday, July 07, 2006

Using Online Sites Without Annoying Your Relatives

Can you believe we used to wait an ENTIRE HOUR to view our photographs? We’d drop off our 35mm film and wait with anticipation to see if we had any keepers, all the while trying to fill that sixty minute time slot with errands or other activities so we could rush back to the photo lab to open the envelope and flip through the results of our efforts.

And what we went through to share those photographs with loved ones! We had to make extra copies, put them in an envelope big enough to hold them, get the right amount of postage and then mail them? It’s a wonder that grandma ever got any pictures with all the effort this method commanded.

All kidding aside, it was the anticipation that made viewing and sharing those pictures such an eagerly awaited event. There was a bit of magic in the process still, a period between when the photos were taken and viewed that extended the excitement to wanting to share the photographs with loved ones.

Today, the process is so immediate that we often give little thought as to our actions after we’ve checked the LCD to make sure the picture meets our expectations. We snap a hundred pictures, upload the pictures to an online site and email the invitation to view them to just about anyone who has ever crossed our path.

It is precisely because sharing photographs is so simple these days that we must take a bit of care in making sure that the magic of those pictures still comes across to those we love. Here are a few things to consider the next time you get online to upload your pictures for the viewing pleasure of others:

Ask First: Simply asking your friends and loved ones if they’d like to receive pictures from time to time means a great deal to the recipients. They will appreciate your consideration and may be more receptive to photos in the future. Plus, you can identify those who truly relish those regular emails, and you can make sure to indulge them accordingly!

Be Selective: Receiving a link to view a digital photography album with 225 photographs can be a bit overwhelming for those on the receiving end. Don’t upload your entire camera card directly to your online site; delete all the poorly-lit or off center pictures from the card, and then transfer the remaining pictures to your computer’s hard drive in a named folder (Jennie’s Birthday 2006). From that filtered list, pick a handful of your favorite pictures and then upload them for viewing.

Being selective before uploading will not only help your loved ones enjoy photos of your special event; it will also help you better manage your favorite pictures and allow you to easily find that special shot when you need it.
More isn’t always better. Being selective now. Your sister will thank you, and will more likely actually go to the site to view the pictures you sent.

Don’t Send Pictures Every Time You Upload: No one is more excited about our pictures than we are, and we often believe that others will share the same excitement about our latest park shots. Our email boxes are so inundated with messages these days that even photos from loved ones can be overwhelming if they are received too often. Save the sharing for really important events or to share a particularly beautiful image. That is, unless your grandmother told you she wants to see all 67 pictures of your daughter’s first attempt at eating oatmeal. In that case, feel free to share with reckless abandon!


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