Sunday, November 02, 2008

How I Became a Member of a Club I Never Wanted to Join...

Well, I just became a statistic.

I am now one of the 43% of people who have lost valuable data and photographs due to a computer issue, although in my case, I didn’t suffer a hard drive crash. My laptop was stolen, and with it, were all the most important files and photos I cherished.

After the anger and shock wore off, I got right to work. I had been using an online back-up service, and I can tell you it was the one thing (along with an extremely patient husband) that helped me get back up and running within a week’s time. I shudder to think what would have happened had I chosen not to back up that data.

I ask you to make sure that you’re backing up your files and photos either on DVDs, an external hard drive, or an online service. I use a combination of methods and chose for the online backup service. It was worth every penny of the $50 I spent on the subscription.

It’s true that ‘you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone.’ Let my experience serve as a reminder. Ignore some other chores long enough to back up your favorite photos and files. It will give you peace of mind and be time well spent.


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