Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sometimes You Just Get Lucky...

This of my twin boys..was a total surprise.

We were shooting on the beach in bright sunlight, so the LCD screen wasn't much help, but when we returned from our trip, I downloaded the series of pictures and came across this shot.

I haven't stopped laughing since.

It's such a fantastic representation of their relationship..easy, funny and always entertaining. Yes, they bicker--even boys with the same DNA will both desire the same Hotwheels car--but they are truly best friends and are always ready with a goofy inside joke, a sideturned smile or a sidewalk chalk covered embrace.

So, when your kids are playing or showing some tenderness to one another, grab your camera.

Sometimes you just get lucky.


At 1:00 PM , Blogger loopykd said...

Very lovely shot. I have one of my daughter that totally cracks me up at the beach with a fill flash as well. She has sand all over her face and the sky is blue and stunning behind her.


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