Tips for Terrific Halloween Shots

Just combine the promise of free candy with a group of small children and you have a recipe for a challenging photo opportunity. With a bit of planning, however, you can bet on snapping some super shots of your favorite little goblins this October 31st!
Start Early: Get a jump start on your evening by planning a few extra minutes for your photography before the festivities begin. Let the little ones know in advance that cooperation now means they’ll get to the candy faster! This technique will often buy you a few extra wiggle-free moments to start shooting.
Try Twilight: The hour or so before the sun sets is the perfect time for photography. The lighting conditions will be favorable and may provide a nice, warm cast to your images.
Through the Looking Glass: If you have a glass pane on your front door, try having the kids look through while you shoot from the other side. Just remember to turn your flash off so light doesn’t bounce off the glass.
Now Let Them Run: Try taking a few pictures of your kids running down the sidewalk with their treat bags in tow. Make sure your ISO is set to a higher setting to catch the movement and pick your perfect spot to shoot before you let them run free.
Nighttime Shots: The right flash distance can make all the difference when it comes to creating that perfect image. Most cameras have a flash that is effective somewhere between five and ten feet from the subject; just don’t stand too close or else you may find your picture looks too bright or overexposed.
If you shoot using a DSLR, a high-quality add-on flash unit can greatly improve your images and allow you to capture fantastic nighttime pictures. Stop by your favorite photo store (mine is Precision Camera & Video in Austin) to find the perfect fit for your needs.